Rafikovich Amalyan v. Russia Artashes Rafikovich Amalyan v. Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Capital loans to the Agency of Reconstruction and Development LLC (ARR) made through Financial and Industrial Corporation SAN LLC in which the claimant acquired a 50% stake.
Claims arising out of several State organs’ alleged acts relating to a shorefront development project in which the claimant had invested, including refused registration of property rights on ARR for a 29-hectare land plot it had developed at the Voronezh river reservoir, allegedly resulting in ARR’s bankruptcy, and registration of the land in the City Administration’s favour. Based on an agreement with the City Administration, ARR had undertaken hydraulic filling works on the reservoir to create the land plot, and it had been allegedly promised ownership of the land for its ultimate development into a commercial and residential district.
Tertiary: F - Construction
42 - Civil engineering
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3500.00 mln RUB (45.00 mln USD)
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