Burmilla Trust and others v. Lesotho The Burmilla Trust, The Josias Van Zyl Family Trust and Josias Van Zyl v. The Kingdom of Lesotho (PCA Case No. 2016-21)
South Africa
Rights under mining leases entered into with the Government.
Claims arising out of the alleged expropriation by Lesotho of mining leases previously granted to the claimants, which occurred during the construction of a large dam that entailed flooding of certain areas over which the claimants held mining rights.
Primary: B - Mining and quarrying
8 - Other mining and quarrying
PCA (Permanent Court of Arbitration)
Leon, P.
Tselentis, M.
Brand, F. D. J.
Data not available
Data not available
Direct expropriation
Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability