ČEZ v. Albania ČEZ v. The Republic of Albania
Majority shareholding (76 per cent) in the Albanian power distribution company CEZ Shpërndarje.
Claims arising out of the Albanian regulator's decision of 21 January 2013 to revoke the license of CEZ Shpĕrndrje, a power distribution company in which the claimant had invested, after a tariff-related dispute.
Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
None (no administering institution)
Paulsson, J.
Thomas, J. C.
Gaillard, E.
Data not available
190.00 mln EUR (258.00 mln USD)
100.00 mln EUR (136.00 mln USD)
Data not available
Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability