Sorelec v. Libya Sorelec v. State of Libya (ICC Case No. 19329/MCP/DDA)
Investments in the construction of schools, housing units and other buildings under a contract with a government entity.
Claims arising out of a government entity’s non-payment of amounts due under settlement agreements with the claimant related to a construction contract that the parties concluded in 1979.
Tertiary: F - Construction
41 - Construction of buildings
ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
Fortier, L. Y.
Hanotiau, B.
Loquin, E.
Decided in favour of investor
Interim Award dated 20 December 2017
Final Award dated 10 April 2018
109.20 mln EUR (134.30 mln USD)
452.00 mln EUR (555.80 mln USD)
Data not available
Data not available
Judicial review by national courts
Judicial review by national courts
Judicial review by national courts
Award/decision set aside in its entirety
Judicial review by national courts
Award/decision set aside in its entirety